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Screaming O Jackits Mansturbation Sleeve (SCRJAKC101)
Screamingo Jackits Mansturbation Sleeve is an ultra soft reusable masturbation sleeve. Enhance your hand and make self love more fun with Jackits, revolutionary reusable male masturbation sleeves designed for an easy to use, convenient and discreet experience. These compact and portable sex toys for men look small but stretch wide and long to fit almost any size and are equipped with a nubby interior texture to intensify the sensation.

To enjoy, apply your favorite water based or silicone based lubricant to the inside of your Jackits and squish the stroker around in your hands to distribute evenly. Jackits are not compatible with oil based lubricant. Then insert your penis and experiment with speed, grip and depth to find your favorite ways to jack it with your Jackit. These clever strokers are made of body safe and ultra durable SEBS for epic softness and a cushy feel that feels incredible against sensitive skin, whether for a quick tug, a stronger stroke session, or a hand job sleeve upgrade, Jackits amplifies ordinary masturbation for an extraordinary manual experience.

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