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Screaming O 3-N-1 Soft Touch Bullet Black (SCRBUL4101BL)
The Screaming O 3-N-1 Soft Touch Bullet Black Vibrator. Product highlights: powerful 4-function 3-speed plus pulse motor to tease and please! Sleek and smooth surface glides across your skin like silk! High power, high quality, high tech motor for ultimate vibe technology! Compact style lets you accessorize your sex life on the go! Sophisticated construction w/ a powerfully quiet motor! Waterproof design works everywhere you please! Express your mood with 5 vivid jewel tones: Red, Purple, Blue, Pink and Black. Each sold separately. Standard features: AG13 batteries last up to 80 minutes. Replaceable batteries, wireless and waterproof. Satisfy your cravings in style with The Screaming O Soft-Touch Multifunction Bullets, featuring a sleek soft-coat surface that glides across the skin like silk. Each super-powered bullet buzzes at 3 speeds: slow, medium and fast, with a bonus 8 pattern pulse mode that adds a touch of tease to your pleasure. Hit the spot each time with a super-powered, waterproof motor that buzzes for more than 80 minutes, even underwater get ready to take your new toy anywhere you please! Soft-Touch Multifunction Bullets feature 3 replaceable AG-13 batteries, are packaged in sleek, elegant black foil pouches, and available in bright jewel tones to match your highest standard of sophistication.

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