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Fetish Fantasy Series Super Penetrix Strap-on (PD3351-20)
This item is designed to stimulate two people at once with vibrations. Each unit (penis and vaginal plug) operate with independent multi-speed vibrators for tremendous stimulations and is made with the finest latex and filled with a firm but resilient foam. The sturdy harness is easily adjustable for comfort, and the unit is easily cleaned. The smaller cock is about 1.5 inches thick while the longer cock is 1 inch thick at the tip but thickens to 1.5 inches thick at the base. The main shaft is 6 inches long while the inner plug is 3.5 inches long.Fits up to a 42 inch waist.

Who said strap-ons were one-sided? Experience the thrill of giving and receiving with this strap-on Super Penetrix. With a small vaginal plug for you connected to the back of a vibrating dildo for your partner, both of you can enjoy simultaneous strap-on satisfaction as you fulfill every desire. Enjoy intense internal vaginal vibrations with each commanding thrust! The comfortable vinyl harness easily adjusts to fit most sizes, and with separate controls for each vibrating dildo, you get satisfaction right where you want it. Best of all, cleanup is a snap after the fun with Pipedream Toy Cleaner and warm water.

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