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Pump Worx Pro-Gauge Power Pump (PD315123)
Pump Worx Pro-Gauge Power Pump from Pipedream Products. Pump up our performance! Discover thick, throbbing erections that last and last with this professional grade Pro-Gauge Power Pump. Developed as a safe, affordable, non-surgical alternative to expensive medical procedures and pills, this trigger style penis pump is the easy way to instantly enlarge your penis without any negative side effects. Simply insert your penis into the vacuum cylinder tube, squeeze the EZ grip handle, and watch your pleasure rod get bigger and thicker than ever before!

The soft PVC sleeve forms a perfectly tight seal against the skin and creates a powerful vacuum inside the chamber, forcing your erection to quickly expand and swell with power. The clear, vacuum cylinder allows you to see your cock get bigger and fatter with each squeeze of the lever, while the easy read gauge lets you know how much pressure you have pumped. The tube is made from thick, heavy grade acrylic and marked with both metric and US standard graduations to measure your growth. The precision pressure gauge allows you to monitor your pumping progress and view the amount of vacuum pressure. When you have reached your desired size, simply push the quick release trigger on the top of the handle to instantly relieve the pressure and you are ready to play!

When you are done, simply detach the cylinder from the hose and cleanup is a snap with Pump Worx Toy Cleaner and warm water.

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