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Hunkyjunk Lockdown Chastity/ Packer Ice (net) (OXHUJ110ICE)
Hunky Junk Lockdown Chastity Packer from Oxballs. Chastity is Huj! Whether you lock your junk up or submit and let someone else control your urges, chastity is big. Lockdown is Hunky Junks meaty thick, weighty chastity toy. The rubbery soft silicone blend is stretchy but restrictive, erections are difficult in Lockdown. There is more room inside Lockdown stretches to fit any size guy, even the Huj ones. The sling style base keeps it on. The ball ring is more substantial so it stays in place. More head room will drive you nuts. More room means the head gets more sensation, more friction frustration, but you can not do anything about it. The curve in the shaft makes erections less comfortable, but keeps chastity possible under clothing, 24/7, with more bulge but still discreet. Lockdown does give a frustrating meaty bulge while it locks down your cravings and ability to use your dick, one of the few toys Hunkyjunk designed to deny your pleasure. Our plus + silicone Thermoplastic Rubber TPR blend: silicone for a smooth and warm feel, TPR for amazing stretch and strength. Phthalate free. Stats approximate: width 1.5 inches to 2 inches, height 4.75 inches, depth 1.5 inches. Main hole circumference 4 inches, shaft hole circumference 3 inches, ball hole circumference 3 inches. Bulk weight 3.1 ounces. Color Ice White.

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