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Strict Padded Locking Posture Collar With Leash Black (CNVXR-AE920)
Add some high protocol to your BDSM scenes with a posture collar and leash! Keep your partner upright so that all their best assets are on display. The height of the collar will ensure that their chin is lifted at all times. Padded and adjustable, the collar is comfortable and fits most submissives, slaves, or curious lovers.

Furthermore, a locking buckle allows you to confine your lover within the posture collar for as long as you want. The chain-link leash attaches to the D-ring on the collar via a swivel hook, ending with a looped strap for you to hold as you lead your pet around, admiring their movement. This combination is perfect for taking your sexual endeavors to a more exciting atmosphere.

Measurements: fits necks between 15 inches and 21 inches in circumference. Chain measures 30 inches in length, handle measures 7.5 inches in length. Materials polyurethane PU Leather, metal. Color Black.

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