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Fanny Fiddlers 3 Piece Finger Rimmer With Vibrating Bullet (CNVXR-AE809)
Ready to explore the intense pleasures of anal stimulation? Take things slow and easy so that you can enjoy the ride with these three petite and smooth plugs. With three different sizes included, you will be able to work your way up an insertion that feels comfortable and incredibly sensual. You or your partner can easily slip the stretchy loop onto a finger for use during foreplay, oral sex, or even intercourse. You can also attach the included vibrating bullet by harnessing it in one of the loops. Imagine the reverberating buzz as it sends shivers up your ass!

The powerful vibration will also feel delicious against other body parts if you take it out of the plug. The tapered tips and slippery material ensure that these babies will slide right into you with a little lube. The material is phthalate free for a body safe experience and the vibe is splash-proof for easy cleaning.

Measurements small plug measures 2.75 inches in length, 2 inches insertable, .75 inch in diameter. Medium plug measures 3.25 inches in length, 2.5 inches insertable, .8 inch in diameter. Large plug measures 4 inches in total length, 3.5 inches insertable, 1 inch in diameter. Materials Thermoplastic Rubber TPR, ABS plastic. Color Purple. Note vibrating bullet requires 3 AG13/LR44 batteries, included.

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