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The Saddle Deluxe Sex Machine (CNVEF-EXR-AF127)
Giddy up! Introducing the LoveBotz Saddle, a high powered piece or vibrating machinery that will take you on the ride of your life! You have got to feel it to believe it! Mount the comfortable padded seat, impaling yourself on the firm, velvet soft dildo. Sink down until your vulva rests against the textured base. The controller allows you to hang on tight while you cycle through the 5 incredible vibration speeds and 5 pulsations, but it also detaches via a retractable coil so that you can increase or decrease the speed, even as you flail in ecstasy!

Hand the remote over to your partner and see how long you can keep your seat when they are in control! Grind yourself into the Saddle or lose yourself in bliss while the motor thrums powerfully against you! How many orgasms can you handle? Wipe clean with mild soap and warm water. Compatible with silicone and water based lube. Size dildo length 6 inches, diameter 1.75 inches, base of dildo length 9.5 inches, width 3.75 inches. Saddle length 13.5 inches, height 7.5 inches, width 12.3 inches.

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