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Beaded Elastomer C Rings 3 Pieces Pack - Purple (BN00011)
Perform like the stud you are! These Stay Hard Cock Rings come in 3 sizes, so you can use them individually or all 3 at once. The Small Ring is for maximum erections. Medium Ring is for hard erections. Large Ring can be used to encircle the upper part of your scrotum to help prevent premature ejaculation. They are made of Elastomer, a super stretchy, comfortable and Phthalate Free material developed specifically for your safety and hygiene during your intimate play. So, if you are looking for a safe way to increase both in size and stamina, you and your partner are sure to enjoy Blush Novelties Stay Hard Cock Ring and your bigger, better erection that lasts even longer! Wash with soap and water between uses. Air dry. Stores best in the original packaging

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